
My current work aesthetic developed as an evolution from my early traditional training, contemporary schooling and personal aesthetic interests. High function with finely executed details are hallmarks of my work.
Favorite details include delicate moldings and turnings, carvings and inlay. Wild flowers are a big part of my carving repertoire including day lilies, iris/blue flag, hollyhock, morning glories, maple and pine cones. I use these floral motifs as a replacement for the more traditionally common acanthus.
Other detail elements may include the use of stone, metals or whatever is needed or imagined. Balance and tasteful use is much more effective than an over abundance of detail.
I love using materials that speak to richness in color and depth. My stock of the very desirable figured Cuban mahogany along with veneers of lustrous flame figured crotch birch are favorite materials I use to bring out the sophisticated designs I create. And of course, other fine hardwoods are also extensively used